Monday, February 28, 2005

Half Heard Quote Of the Week!

Steven seems to be a nice, calm, balding man. Sometimes the truth slips out. This half heard quote is one of those times…

Steven: Well, ma’am, I’m beating a dead horse with a hammer…

The weapon of choice for the majority of people looking to beat a dead horse is a whip. That Steven, always going that extra step…

Oh hi Steven… didn’t see you reading over my shoulder…No it doesn’t bug me, much… Uh, yeah you made the half heard quote of the week…well yeah I think it’s funny… umm where did you get that silver hammer?…Who’s Maxwell? … Ouch! Why did you hit me with it?… Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!… Ok! Ok! I won’t print it!

Ok, he left. Damn right I’m printing it!
I need some asprin.


Blogger brooksba said...

Hee hee. This is a good half-heard quote. Thank you for sharing it. You make me smile.


12:07 PM  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

Oh, goodness. I love it.

Ah, Maxwell and that silver hammer. How I enjoyed it when he would bang it...that sounded a lot less off color in my head.

No, it didn't but I thought you would appreciate it.

5:57 PM  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

Oh, goodness. I love it.

Ah, Maxwell and that silver hammer. How I enjoyed it when he would bang it...that sounded a lot less off color in my head.

No, it didn't but I thought you would appreciate it.

5:57 PM  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

That was not supposed to post twice. Blogger told me it couldn't be posted. They lied!

5:58 PM  

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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

Desert Shield/storm vet. I am the one at work who comes up with the ideas on filling up those non-work hours. (ok, who is up for canoeing this weekend?) After several wrong turns, have finally found the love of my life.

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