Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Sleeping Alone

Warning me ahead of time, she tells me that she is working over night Saturday. So instead of being away all weekend, it is just that 12-hour period. Good, means we can do more together this weekend.


I hate sleeping alone. Hate it, and she knows it! That is why she is warning me!
I will sleep. Not very well. I will probably go rent a video game to keep busy all night.
She has done this to me. I was never like this before we started to go out. When I was 11 years old I used to mow lawns for money to go to the movies by myself! When I was 17 I used to go to Sci-Fi conventions, by myself! In the navy, I went out to eat by myself! As an adult I did all the above by myself, even when I was dating someone.

Why? Because I could see what I wanted, eat what I wanted and do it on my time schedule, taking as long or as short as I wanted. I racked up points on the local movie theaters frequent customer card! That was my freedom. Also was my barrier. I didn’t need anyone, was good on my own.

And now?

I would not do those on my own. I could, she would not mind. I just do not want to. It is not fun with out her. I have never been with anyone this long. My past relationships were measured in months, not years like now.
See I am ruined. Quite happily ruined! Would not trade what I have for anything. Yea, I’ve become happily pathetic!


Blogger brooksba said...

Hello Larry,

This was a wonderful post. I'm sorry you'll be alone on Saturday night. Thank you for sharing how wonderful your life is. I'm so happy for you. You've found the one that moves you. That is just fantastic to hear.


10:29 PM  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

Oh, Larry, stop making me cry! This was a beautiful post. I loved it. She's a lucky woman.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Lioness said...

Good for you!!!

4:44 AM  

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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

Desert Shield/storm vet. I am the one at work who comes up with the ideas on filling up those non-work hours. (ok, who is up for canoeing this weekend?) After several wrong turns, have finally found the love of my life.

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