Saturday, April 08, 2006

Guess Who's Back?

Back again?
Larry's back!
Tell a friend!

I had to take a alittle break. It wasn't planned, it sorta just happened.

You know, sometimes life gives you lemons, and you are expected to make lemon aid. And some times life takes a whole lemon tree, bitch slaps you across the head with it, leaving you broken and bleeding all over the ground, and the ground is covered with red fire ants, and once you get the fire ants off you, a pack of starving ducks attack you, and when you get away from the ducks, life hits you with another lemon tree.

My high school writting teacher, Mr. Littrel, told me that when I am feeling down I need to harness that emotion and put it into my writting. Never could quite get the hang of that.

I just backed off from alot of things and people, until I could get my "bearings" back. It took time, I couldn't force it, a qucik glimse at some of my last couple blogs can prove that. They just sounded like it was me trying to sound like me.

I have sworn that 2006 will be better then 2005. Ask anyone who has been around me, chances are they have heard me swear it. So far it has been true.

To up date anyone who still takes the time to check this place out:

I am no longer working a S-Mart, I have returned to the call center where I belong. My numbers haven't been the top; I think I am out of practice. I did get a slight promotion this week. the the big one I was hoping, but was something.

I am back to hanging out with Pierre. Starting to put together this years Island events. Canoeing, Penguin Thursday, camping (No rufus, we are not going to the nudist camp) and Poker night. Getting together with friends. Looking for friends (ALICE! i KNOW YOU READ THIS! GET IN TOUCH WITH ME!)

My friend De sent me an email that stated:

holy crap, you are ALIVE!!!
hope alls well with you and yours
we are all ornery as ever & Norms gettin ready to kill me!!
Take care

Which I think sums alot up.

Poker has been my new hobby the last couple months. Has really helped me keep my sanity. And this week I discovered that my computer has music on it, about 55 hours worth.

In summary would like to thank every one and beg forgiveness for disappearing. I do believe I am back now. Beware of deadly frogs, read about it hear: (click on comments to get the fullstory! It will keep you safe!)

Shade and Sweet water all!


Blogger CarpeDM said...

I am so excited you are back. Your comment on that post made me laugh for a long time. And green duckies are frogs. Not ducks. Duh. I thought everyone knew that.

I'm really glad you're back at the call center and that you were promoted. It is about time someone recognizes your talent. Do not stop blogging. I will take the trip out to Michigan and smack you. Quite possibly with a lemon tree.

Oh, and just for you, there is a link on my site to a picture of my breast.

9:44 AM  
Blogger brooksba said...

I missed you quite a bit. I'm so glad to see you back.

2005 was a bitch of a year for most the people I know. I'm with you, 2006 should be much better.

12:03 PM  

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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

Desert Shield/storm vet. I am the one at work who comes up with the ideas on filling up those non-work hours. (ok, who is up for canoeing this weekend?) After several wrong turns, have finally found the love of my life.

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