Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Does this count as work related?

Here I sit, facing a blank page. Not the first time in my life for this. I plan on filling this space with different stories, things at home:

The 7 year old comes into the kitchen, starts looking in the drawers, very intent. I ask "what are you looking for?"
"Nothing." He replies, then leaves.

things at work:
Retiree on the phone, "My husband is presently deceased." Oh, are you expecting him back soon?

things after work:
How does he golf? "Yea, well lets just say, Will golf's like he canoes."

And random stuff:
"Who is that?" my dad ask. "That is Matt Damon."

So drop me a line, comments are welcome.



Blogger CarpeDM said...

How does he golf? "Yea, well lets just say, Will golf's like he canoes."

I get this now! Yay! Just reading the archives. Because it's fun. And I might have missed comments.

8:40 AM  

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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

Desert Shield/storm vet. I am the one at work who comes up with the ideas on filling up those non-work hours. (ok, who is up for canoeing this weekend?) After several wrong turns, have finally found the love of my life.

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